Pooja Items


3 Pillu Pavitharam

0 out of 5
SKU: RGM114-2

The Holy Grass known as Dharbham or Dharbai . In all functions, auspicious or inauspicious, a performing person needs to wear a ring made of this Dharbham. But many have lost the reason of why it is to be used in the first place. It has the ability to absorb radiation and correct magnetic field issues.

 Quantity :  100 Pieces in the packet

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5 Patta Cotton Yarn

0 out of 5
SKU: RGM114-3

The thali’s significance begins at a wedding and continues till the end of your life. At the wedding, your groom ties a yellow thread which will be replaced with a golden chain later.

 Quantity :  10 Pieces

Add to cart
87.00 98.00


0 out of 5
SKU: RGM114-73

This thali kayir is used by a specific community among people in South India. The “5 patta” is a specific length they wear. This pack contains 10 thali kayir.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

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Ambika Camphor

0 out of 5
SKU: RGM114-4

Camphor is used for performing Arathi for god. The camphor is available in many forms and sizes for the convenience and preference of the consumer.

 Quantity :  500 Gms katti

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Ambika Camphor Circle

0 out of 5
SKU: RGM114-5

Camphor is used for performing Arathi for god. The camphor is available in many forms and sizes for the convenience and preference of the consumer.

 Quantity : 100 Pieces in the Packet

Add to cart

Ambika Camphor Square

0 out of 5
SKU: RGM114-7

Camphor is used for performing Arathi for god. The camphor is available in many forms and sizes for the convenience and preference of the consumer.

 Quantity : 50 pieces 

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Ambika Camphor-Majanta

0 out of 5
SKU: RGM114-6

Camphor is used for performing Arathi for god. The camphor is available in many forms and sizes for the convenience and preference of the consumer.

 Quantity : 50 pieces – 75 gms

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Ambika Round Camphor

0 out of 5
SKU: RGM114-8

Camphor is used for performing Arathi for god. The camphor is available in many forms and sizes for the convenience and preference of the consumer.

 Quantity : 70 pieces 

Add to cart
20.00 25.00

Arasan Samithu (Spl)

2.28 out of 5
SKU: RGM114-68

Samithu is the wooden sticks used while performing homam. Theses sticks are from the arasu tree.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

Add to cart
40.00 46.00

Arasu – 101

0 out of 5
SKU: RGM114-66

Samithu is the wooden sticks used while performing homam. These sticks are from the arasu tree and this pack contains 101 sticks. This is predominantly used for avani avittam and weddings.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

Add to cart
85.00 94.00

Brass Classic Danithar Bowl No.3

0 out of 5
SKU: RGM114-54

Bowl for pooja

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

Add to cart
147.00 174.00

Brass Classic K. Vilaku No.2 Sastha

0 out of 5
SKU: RGM114-46

Vilaku is used for lighting a lamp for God during prayers.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

Add to cart
180.00 208.00

Brass Classic Kamandalam

0 out of 5
SKU: RGM114-37

Kamandalam is the jug shaped article used traditionally to drink water.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

Add to cart
42.00 46.00

Brass Classic Agal No:1.5

0 out of 5
SKU: RGM114-56

Lamp used for pooja.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

Add to cart
820.00 958.00

Brass Classic Ashtalakshmi Kudam No5

0 out of 5
SKU: RGM114-47

It is used in Pooja.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

Add to cart
110.00 123.00

Brass Classic Bowl

0 out of 5
SKU: RGM114-43

Bowl used for Pooja

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

Add to cart
13.00 16.00

Brass Classic Clay Agal

0 out of 5
SKU: RGM114-59

This is the traditional lamp crafted from mud. Lighting a lamp in these are supposed to be the most sattvik form of lighting lamps. These lamps are available in pack of 50 pcs.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

Add to cart
280.00 320.00

Brass Classic Deeparathanai Plate

0 out of 5
SKU: RGM114-49

Brass Classic Deeparathanai Plate

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

Add to cart
420.00 474.00

Brass Classic Dhoobkkal

0 out of 5
SKU: RGM114-36

This is used for sambarani.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1L.W

Add to cart
125.00 138.00

Brass Classic J.Chombu

0 out of 5
SKU: RGM114-51

It is used to keep in pooja place.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

Add to cart

3 Pillu Pavitharam

0 out of 5

The Holy Grass known as Dharbham or Dharbai . In all functions, auspicious or inauspicious, a performing person needs to wear a ring made of this Dharbham. But many have lost the reason of why it is to be used in the first place. It has the ability to absorb radiation and correct magnetic field issues.

 Quantity :  100 Pieces in the packet

SKU: RGM114-2
50.00 Add to cart

5 Patta Cotton Yarn

0 out of 5

The thali’s significance begins at a wedding and continues till the end of your life. At the wedding, your groom ties a yellow thread which will be replaced with a golden chain later.

 Quantity :  10 Pieces

SKU: RGM114-3
100.00 Add to cart


0 out of 5

This thali kayir is used by a specific community among people in South India. The “5 patta” is a specific length they wear. This pack contains 10 thali kayir.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

SKU: RGM114-73
87.00 98.00 Add to cart

Ambika Camphor

0 out of 5

Camphor is used for performing Arathi for god. The camphor is available in many forms and sizes for the convenience and preference of the consumer.

 Quantity :  500 Gms katti

SKU: RGM114-4
250.00 Add to cart

Ambika Camphor Circle

0 out of 5

Camphor is used for performing Arathi for god. The camphor is available in many forms and sizes for the convenience and preference of the consumer.

 Quantity : 100 Pieces in the Packet

SKU: RGM114-5
15.00 Add to cart

Ambika Camphor Square

0 out of 5

Camphor is used for performing Arathi for god. The camphor is available in many forms and sizes for the convenience and preference of the consumer.

 Quantity : 50 pieces 

SKU: RGM114-7
27.00 Add to cart

Ambika Camphor-Majanta

0 out of 5

Camphor is used for performing Arathi for god. The camphor is available in many forms and sizes for the convenience and preference of the consumer.

 Quantity : 50 pieces – 75 gms

SKU: RGM114-6
45.00 Add to cart

Ambika Round Camphor

0 out of 5

Camphor is used for performing Arathi for god. The camphor is available in many forms and sizes for the convenience and preference of the consumer.

 Quantity : 70 pieces 

SKU: RGM114-8
30.00 Add to cart

Arasan Samithu (Spl)

2.28 out of 5

Samithu is the wooden sticks used while performing homam. Theses sticks are from the arasu tree.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

SKU: RGM114-68
20.00 25.00 Add to cart

Arasu – 101

0 out of 5

Samithu is the wooden sticks used while performing homam. These sticks are from the arasu tree and this pack contains 101 sticks. This is predominantly used for avani avittam and weddings.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

SKU: RGM114-66
40.00 46.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Danithar Bowl No.3

0 out of 5

Bowl for pooja

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

SKU: RGM114-54
85.00 94.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic K. Vilaku No.2 Sastha

0 out of 5

Vilaku is used for lighting a lamp for God during prayers.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

SKU: RGM114-46
147.00 174.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Kamandalam

0 out of 5

Kamandalam is the jug shaped article used traditionally to drink water.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

SKU: RGM114-37
180.00 208.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Agal No:1.5

0 out of 5

Lamp used for pooja.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

SKU: RGM114-56
42.00 46.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Ashtalakshmi Kudam No5

0 out of 5

It is used in Pooja.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

SKU: RGM114-47
820.00 958.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Bowl

0 out of 5

Bowl used for Pooja

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

SKU: RGM114-43
110.00 123.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Clay Agal

0 out of 5

This is the traditional lamp crafted from mud. Lighting a lamp in these are supposed to be the most sattvik form of lighting lamps. These lamps are available in pack of 50 pcs.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

SKU: RGM114-59
13.00 16.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Deeparathanai Plate

0 out of 5

Brass Classic Deeparathanai Plate

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

SKU: RGM114-49
280.00 320.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Dhoobkkal

0 out of 5

This is used for sambarani.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1L.W

SKU: RGM114-36
420.00 474.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic J.Chombu

0 out of 5

It is used to keep in pooja place.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

SKU: RGM114-51
125.00 138.00 Add to cart

3 Pillu Pavitharam

0 out of 5

The Holy Grass known as Dharbham or Dharbai . In all functions, auspicious or inauspicious, a performing person needs to wear a ring made of this Dharbham. But many have lost the reason of why it is to be used in the first place. It has the ability to absorb radiation and correct magnetic field issues.

 Quantity :  100 Pieces in the packet

50.00 Add to cart

5 Patta Cotton Yarn

0 out of 5

The thali’s significance begins at a wedding and continues till the end of your life. At the wedding, your groom ties a yellow thread which will be replaced with a golden chain later.

 Quantity :  10 Pieces

100.00 Add to cart


0 out of 5

This thali kayir is used by a specific community among people in South India. The “5 patta” is a specific length they wear. This pack contains 10 thali kayir.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

87.00 98.00 Add to cart

Ambika Camphor

0 out of 5

Camphor is used for performing Arathi for god. The camphor is available in many forms and sizes for the convenience and preference of the consumer.

 Quantity :  500 Gms katti

250.00 Add to cart

Ambika Camphor Circle

0 out of 5

Camphor is used for performing Arathi for god. The camphor is available in many forms and sizes for the convenience and preference of the consumer.

 Quantity : 100 Pieces in the Packet

15.00 Add to cart

Ambika Camphor Square

0 out of 5

Camphor is used for performing Arathi for god. The camphor is available in many forms and sizes for the convenience and preference of the consumer.

 Quantity : 50 pieces 

27.00 Add to cart

Ambika Camphor-Majanta

0 out of 5

Camphor is used for performing Arathi for god. The camphor is available in many forms and sizes for the convenience and preference of the consumer.

 Quantity : 50 pieces – 75 gms

45.00 Add to cart

Ambika Round Camphor

0 out of 5

Camphor is used for performing Arathi for god. The camphor is available in many forms and sizes for the convenience and preference of the consumer.

 Quantity : 70 pieces 

30.00 Add to cart

Arasan Samithu (Spl)

2.28 out of 5

Samithu is the wooden sticks used while performing homam. Theses sticks are from the arasu tree.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

20.00 25.00 Add to cart

Arasu – 101

0 out of 5

Samithu is the wooden sticks used while performing homam. These sticks are from the arasu tree and this pack contains 101 sticks. This is predominantly used for avani avittam and weddings.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

40.00 46.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Danithar Bowl No.3

0 out of 5

Bowl for pooja

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

85.00 94.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic K. Vilaku No.2 Sastha

0 out of 5

Vilaku is used for lighting a lamp for God during prayers.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

147.00 174.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Kamandalam

0 out of 5

Kamandalam is the jug shaped article used traditionally to drink water.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

180.00 208.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Agal No:1.5

0 out of 5

Lamp used for pooja.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

42.00 46.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Ashtalakshmi Kudam No5

0 out of 5

It is used in Pooja.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

820.00 958.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Bowl

0 out of 5

Bowl used for Pooja

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

110.00 123.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Clay Agal

0 out of 5

This is the traditional lamp crafted from mud. Lighting a lamp in these are supposed to be the most sattvik form of lighting lamps. These lamps are available in pack of 50 pcs.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

13.00 16.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Deeparathanai Plate

0 out of 5

Brass Classic Deeparathanai Plate

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

280.00 320.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Dhoobkkal

0 out of 5

This is used for sambarani.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1L.W

420.00 474.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic J.Chombu

0 out of 5

It is used to keep in pooja place.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

125.00 138.00 Add to cart

3 Pillu Pavitharam

0 out of 5

The Holy Grass known as Dharbham or Dharbai . In all functions, auspicious or inauspicious, a performing person needs to wear a ring made of this Dharbham. But many have lost the reason of why it is to be used in the first place. It has the ability to absorb radiation and correct magnetic field issues.

 Quantity :  100 Pieces in the packet

50.00 Add to cart

5 Patta Cotton Yarn

0 out of 5

The thali’s significance begins at a wedding and continues till the end of your life. At the wedding, your groom ties a yellow thread which will be replaced with a golden chain later.

 Quantity :  10 Pieces

100.00 Add to cart


0 out of 5

This thali kayir is used by a specific community among people in South India. The “5 patta” is a specific length they wear. This pack contains 10 thali kayir.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

87.00 98.00 Add to cart

Ambika Camphor

0 out of 5

Camphor is used for performing Arathi for god. The camphor is available in many forms and sizes for the convenience and preference of the consumer.

 Quantity :  500 Gms katti

250.00 Add to cart

Ambika Camphor Circle

0 out of 5

Camphor is used for performing Arathi for god. The camphor is available in many forms and sizes for the convenience and preference of the consumer.

 Quantity : 100 Pieces in the Packet

15.00 Add to cart

Ambika Camphor Square

0 out of 5

Camphor is used for performing Arathi for god. The camphor is available in many forms and sizes for the convenience and preference of the consumer.

 Quantity : 50 pieces 

27.00 Add to cart

Ambika Camphor-Majanta

0 out of 5

Camphor is used for performing Arathi for god. The camphor is available in many forms and sizes for the convenience and preference of the consumer.

 Quantity : 50 pieces – 75 gms

45.00 Add to cart

Ambika Round Camphor

0 out of 5

Camphor is used for performing Arathi for god. The camphor is available in many forms and sizes for the convenience and preference of the consumer.

 Quantity : 70 pieces 

30.00 Add to cart

Arasan Samithu (Spl)

2.28 out of 5

Samithu is the wooden sticks used while performing homam. Theses sticks are from the arasu tree.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

20.00 25.00 Add to cart

Arasu – 101

0 out of 5

Samithu is the wooden sticks used while performing homam. These sticks are from the arasu tree and this pack contains 101 sticks. This is predominantly used for avani avittam and weddings.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

40.00 46.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Danithar Bowl No.3

0 out of 5

Bowl for pooja

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

85.00 94.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic K. Vilaku No.2 Sastha

0 out of 5

Vilaku is used for lighting a lamp for God during prayers.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

147.00 174.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Kamandalam

0 out of 5

Kamandalam is the jug shaped article used traditionally to drink water.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

180.00 208.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Agal No:1.5

0 out of 5

Lamp used for pooja.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

42.00 46.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Ashtalakshmi Kudam No5

0 out of 5

It is used in Pooja.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

820.00 958.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Bowl

0 out of 5

Bowl used for Pooja

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

110.00 123.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Clay Agal

0 out of 5

This is the traditional lamp crafted from mud. Lighting a lamp in these are supposed to be the most sattvik form of lighting lamps. These lamps are available in pack of 50 pcs.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

13.00 16.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Deeparathanai Plate

0 out of 5

Brass Classic Deeparathanai Plate

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

280.00 320.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic Dhoobkkal

0 out of 5

This is used for sambarani.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1L.W

420.00 474.00 Add to cart

Brass Classic J.Chombu

0 out of 5

It is used to keep in pooja place.

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

125.00 138.00 Add to cart

Showing 1–20 of 58 results